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AI Use-Cases

AI Associate

  • Tailored assistance

  • Document Summaries, Analyses, Insights

  • Brainstorm, Draft, Write & Refine

  • Data Privacy & Confidentiality

Tailored Assistance

Just like training a new recruit, we fine-tune and employ prompt engineering to mold an AI associate skilled and proficient in your business context. This ensures reliable and accurate responses backed by either public or proprietary data.


Document Summaries, Analyses, Insights

Stop putting off reading those documents you deem too long and wordy: get your AI associate to summarize, identify key points, generate bullet lists, provide financial summaries, periodic overviews, or detailed technical analyses. 


Better than your average TL;DR,  your AI can even detect and surface inconsistencies and hot issues, suggest action points. Ask your AI questions and get meaningful answers in seconds, alongside graphs and follow-up suggestions.

For streams of repetitive document tasks, we assign you a specialized AI Associate, mastering that domain just for you and automated to grind through your documents quickly and reliably.


Brainstorm, Draft, Write & Refine

Stop wasting time and energy, forget about writer's block: share your brief and marvel as writing tasks that took hours now get completed in moments.

Brainstorm with your AI on any topic, turn meeting notes into memos, turn detailed proposals into bullet-point executive summaries or presentations. Or the other way around, turn your sales pitch into specifications and schedules. You can then proof-read and polish the work, as you would do when collaborating with a human associate.

Equip your basic content with more depth and detail, turning it into richer, more engaging articles, reports, or presentations. Provide a draft and our AI will seamlessly refine and enhance it, ensuring clarity, coherence, and a professional touch. We can even train your AI Associate with examples to mirror your style.


Data Privacy & Confidentiality

We prioritize your security. When processing documents or training an AI using your proprietary information, strict confidentiality and enterprise-grade data privacy measures are upheld to ensure your data is duly protected.

AI Web & Search Agents

  • Web AI & Swarm of Agents

  • Search AI

  • ChatBot & Conversational Knowledge Base

Web AI & Swarm of Agents

Google revolutionized search 25 years ago, but when you really need an answer, it still involves spending a considerable amount of time typing queries, skimming through search results, and reading web pages. Our Web AI streamlines this process, offering results that are both better and faster.

By deploying a swarm of agents that simultaneously conduct searches on multiple queries and read through numerous pages, our AI operates at a superhuman level, delivering insightful reports on any topic.


Search AI

Many business features rely on finding stuff in proprietary or public databases. With our Search AI, you can now go beyond mere keywords. Experience searches that understand context, nuances, and user intent. Reduce time and increase accuracy in searches, let your users, clients or employees find what they need in seconds, with context, relevant remarks and cited sources.


ChatBot & Conversational Knowledge Base

Empower your support teams or engage site visitors with conversational AIs that act as knowledgeable librarians. Way beyond FAQs and documentations, our chat-bots address queries with a deep understanding of your knowledge base, both for internal employee queries and external customer support.

AI Visual Designer

  • Ideation

  • Sketch to Reality

  • Design Variations

  • Visualization



Start by providing the AI with essential materials, be it abstract ideas, vague descriptions, color palettes, fabrics, textures, or moodboards. As you feed it ingredients, the AI responds by generating creative outputs. Engage in a collaborative design experience by iterating on these ideas with feedback or new elements, allowing your initial concepts to evolve into diverse and expansive creative visions.


Sketch to Reality

A simple hand-drawn sketch can be your gateway to seemingly hand-drawn 2D illustrations, high quality 3D renderings, photorealistic images and even high-definition photos. Revolutionize your design pipeline by getting from line-art to a polished product photo-shoot in seconds.


Design Variations

Provide a foundational design, and our AI will provide a spectrum of design alternatives, expanding your choices manifold. You can suggest changes or simply roll the dice and get inspired. Speed up the design phase of your projects, save costs and unleash creativity.



From initial concepts to detailed visuals, our AI crafts compelling designs swiftly. Whether it's marketing collateral, product mock-ups, or architectural sketches, transition seamlessly from ideas to client-ready presentations or production guides. Experience visualization that not only showcases the idea but enhances its potential.

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